University of Virginia Library

The Cavalier Daily Budget

Printed below is the proposed 1971-72 budget and allocation request for The Cavalier Daily. Any students
wishing to discuss this proposal or who would like an explanation of any part of the request can meet with the
Board of Directors of The Cavalier Daily today at 7:30 p.m. in the Honor Committee Room. Fourth Floor,
Newcomb Hall.

Proposed Budget

I. Expenditures 
A. Direct Printing (135 issues) 
1. Culpeper Star Exponent  24,590.00 
2. University Press  2,300.00 
3. I.B.M. Purchase  9,783.00 
4. I.B.M. Maintenance  2,698.20 
5. VariTyper Maintenance  390.00 
6. I.B.M. Supplies  1,200.00 
7. VariTyper Supplies  1,400.00 
Subtotal 42,361.20 
B. Additional Operating Expenses 
1. Circulation Supplies  200.00 
2. Postage Fees  550.00 
3. Office Supplies  975.00 
4. Payroll Tax  730.00 
5. Photo Supplies  450.00 
6. Telephone and Telegraph  1,300.00 
7. Oliphant  203.50 
8. UPI  1,350.00 
9. George Fitch, Courier  3,712.50 
10. Local Delivery  675.00 
11. Postage Meter Rental  95.00 
12. Trailways  222.75 
13. Crossword  160.00 
Subtotal 10,623.75 
C. Non-Operational Expenses 
1. Associated Collegiate Press  28.00 
2. Audit  100.00 
3. Binding  80.00 
4. Engraving  40.00 
5. Subscription Drive  140.00 
6. Insurance on Photo Equipment  25.00 
7. Secretary's Bond  15.00 
8. Subscriptions 
a. Richmond Times Dispatch  18.00 
b. Daily Progress  16.00 
9. Travel Expenses  260.00 
10. Security Storage  130.00 
11. I.B.M. Typewriter Maintenance  190.00 
Subtotal 1,032.00 
D. Commissions 
1. Advertising  2,200.00 
2. Photographers  450.00 
Subtotal 2,650.00 
E. Salaried Positions  22,745.00 
F. Capital Improvements 
1. Photography Equipment  650.00 
G. Deficit  2,611.09 
TOTAL  82,673.04 
II. Revenues 
A. Subscriptions  3,200.00 
B. Advertising 
1. National  5,000.00 
2. Local  21,500.00 
3. Non-local  3,100.00 
4. Classified  3,800.00 
C. I.B.M. Composing  2,000.00 
D. I.B.M. Typewriters  1,115.00 
TOTAL  39,715.00 
Allocation Request:  $42.958.04