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Bookstore Situation

Bookstore Situation

(Continued From Page Uno) his contributions in that speech and
since 1946, those known
contributions have amounted to a
little over $100,000. Included in
those contributions was a full
scholarship for
the last 24 years.

Mr. Williams did not explain if
his list was complete.

Book Buying

In regard to the buying of books
for athletes on grants-in-aid, Vice
president Williams, Mr. Sebo, and
Mr. Davenport explained the
complete procedure to The Cavalier

Vice-President Williams stated
that those students receiving grants
can buy their books wherever they
wish. They must then bring a
voucher for the purchase to
Anderson Brothers' bookstore
where they are reimbursed for the
book. The bookstore then submits
a single bill to the Student Aid
Foundation for payment.

$7500 Aid

According to Mr. Billy Williams,
the Corner Bookstores received
approximately $7500 from the
Student Aid Foundation last year.

According to the memo, "this
arrangement is used, not because
Anderson's has a monopoly, but
because the Student Aid
Foundation prefers to pay a single
bill and Anderson's will allow credit
to be built up over a period of time,
which is very advantageous for the

Mr. Sebo explained other
aspects of the book purchase
procedure to The Cavalier Daily. He
stated that all books purchased by
the students and reimbursed by the
Student Aid Foundation were only
on loan to the students.

In June, he said, the students
must turn in the books and the
books are then returned to the
bookstores for credit on the final
bill. If students wish to keep the
books, he added, they were charged
50 percent of the price of the book.

Questions Remain

Certain questions still remain,
however. First of these
uncertainties is the amount of
money paid by the Athletic
Department to the corner
bookstores in less than $50

The second question is the
amount of money Mr. Williams
actually contributed to the Student
Aid Foundation and to the Alumni

To answer these questions, The
Cavalier Daily contacted the
Student Aid Foundation and the
University Purchasing Department.
The foundation stated that their
records of contributions were
private. The purchasing department
stated that they would release the
records of the Student Aid
Foundation and the Athletic
Association with Vice President
Williams' approval.

Vice President Williams refused
to allow the financial records to be
opened. In a conversation with The
Cavalier Daily, he
University was under a system of
honor and if the respective
members of the University
community stated certain figures
they should be believed.