University of Virginia Library

Garrett Studies
Check Cashing

In my campaign for Secretary
of the College. I advocated
the cashing of checks in Newcomb
Hall after banking hours
and also the cashing of checks
for a $5 limit in the Glass Hat
and Castle. In seeking to establish
these goals, I have met, I
fear, an insurmountable obstacle.

When the National Bank and
Trust Co. contracted to open a
branch in Newcomb Hall a
contract was signed stating that
the University could in no way
compete with the bank in
cashing checks. Because of this
contract neither Newcomb Hall
nor the University Food Service
can operate check cashing facilities.

However, I plan to contact
the bank and determine their
objection, if any, to the University
Food Service cashing
checks. By September 1970. I
hope to have more check
cashing facilities available. Also
in early Fall to next semester, a
survey will be taken to determine
the problems existing in
cashing checks in the Charlottesville-Albemarle

With the end of school only
four weeks away, the Bad Check
Committee wishes to stress the
importance of keeping an accurate
record of checking
account It is a serious offense
to cash a bad check. Not only
does it lower a student's credit
rating, but it also lowers the
prestige of University students
in the eyes of local merchants.
With the ever size of
the University it is of the
utmost importance bad
checks be kept to a minimum.

Since I have assumed the
Chairmanship of the Bad Check
Committee I have seen instances
of students failing to heed bad
check notices from the Bursar's
Office. I think it
necessary to reemphasize the
procedures used by the Bad
Check Committee to handle bad

Upon the receipt of a notice
of a bad check from Mrs.
Truslow in the Bursar's Office, a
student is given five days to
reimburse the merchant. If the
matter is settled within the five
day period, then no further
action will be taken. However, if
a student fails to reimburse the
merchant within this period,
then he must appear before the
Committee for trial.

This embarrassing situation
can be avoided by close scrutiny
of your bad check trials once
you have received a notice to
appear for a trial. Many students
ignore trial notices, and this
action if continued will result in
a notification to the Vice-President
for Student Affairs.

The Bad Check Committee
will continue operation until
Monday, May 18. After this
date notifications of bad checks
will still be sent by the Bursar's
Office, and this Office will also
handle the other matters usually
assumed by the Bad Check
Committee. I cannot
overemphasize the importance
of keeping your checking
account in order.

If you have any questions
concerning the operation of the
Bad Check Committee please
feel , to contact me at

G. Lee Garrett, Jr.
Chairman, Bad Check Committee