University of Virginia Library

Seminar Schedule

The following is the schedule of events planned for

10:00 in front of

Pavilion 1 Work in Charlottesville Community

Pavilion 1 Civil Disobedience

Pavilion 3 Educational Reforms

Pavilion 4 Relation to other Virginia Schools

Pavilion 5 Restoration Hall

Pavilion 6 Task force on implementation of
Demand 1.* withdrawal of injunction

Pavilion 7 Task force on implementation of
Demand 3.* faculty meeting on ROTC

Pavilion 8 Task force on implementation of
Demand 5.* end defense department research

Pavilion 9 Task force on implementation of
Demand 7.* Black admissions

Pavilion 10 Task force on implementation of
Demand 9, right to strike

1:00 in front of

Pavilion 1 Racism

Pavilion 2 Referendum on Monday

Pavilion 3 D.C. Mobilization on Saturday

Pavilion 4 - Colonialism

Pavilion 5 - Repression of Civil Liberties

Pavilion 6 Counter-graduation activities

Pavilion 7 - Task force on implementation of
Demand 2, no firearms on grounds

Pavilion 8 - Task force on implementation of
demand 4, off JAG

Pavilion 9 - Task force on implementation of
Demand 6, sign President Hester's statement

Pavilion 10 - Task force on implementation of
Demand 8, equality for women, and sexism at U.Va.

2:45 Gather at Rotunda to report on Morning and
Afternoon Seminars