University of Virginia Library

Scholars To Discuss
Old French Literature

Scholars of 17th century French
literature will meet next week at
the University to exchange ideas
and discuss trends in their field.

Sponsored by the National Association
for 17th Century French
Studies, the conference will provide
an informal atmosphere for discussion
of such topics as 17th century
theater in France and the
an important literary genre
of the period.

Dr. Henri . professor
of French literature at Yale
University, will give the keynote
address on March 20. He will speak
in French on
in 17th Century French literature."
beginning at 10:30 a.m. in
the Newcomb Hall south meeting

According to Dr. Bryant C.
Freeman, associate professor of
French at the University and
conference chairman. "Henri Peyre
is considered the dean of French
scholars in America."