University of Virginia Library

Realizing Man's Potential

Associations in Brussels,
Belgium presented a paper and
discussion on the problem of
peace, viewed as an ecological
problem. The paper title
"Computer-aided Visualization
of Psycho-social Structures,
(Peace as an evolving balance
of conceptual and
organizational relationships)"
was presented in answer to the
question of what are the
necessary "Value and
Knowledge Requirements for

Other activities at the
Meeting included guerrilla
theatre and challenges to
selected speakers by a group of
radical scientists called
"Scientist for the People".
Scientists for the People
organized "inquires" which
used "audience participation"
to question public figures such
as Hubert Humphrey and
McGeorge Bundy over U. S.
foreign policy.

At the symposium with
McGeorge Bundy, former
Presidential Adviser on foreign
affairs, the audience voted by
approximately 70 to 20 to
have Mr. Bundy field questions
rather than give his prepared
speech. Mr. Bundy's answer to
a set of question prepared in
advance by the Scientists for
the People drew shouts and
jeers from persons in the

Hubert Humphrey's much
publicized "confrontation"
with the radical scientist ended
with Mr. Humphrey signing a
statement prepared by John
Froines, Chicago 7 defendant
and PhD. chemist, which
pledged that Mr. Humphrey
was for total U. S. withdrawal
from Vietnam and for the
discontinuation of support for
the Thieu regime. During Mr.
Humphrey's speech at the
conference he was berated by
shouts from the audience and
splattered by a tomato which
hit the podium in front of him.

One theme heard in several
places at the science
conference was of man's
developing ability to 'manage
his own evolution'. Paul D.
Maclean of the Laboratory of
Brain Evolution and Behavior
stated that man can now gain
conscious control over parts of
his brain, specifically the
"reptilian brain" which has
previously controlled man
against his will and most often
even without him knowing it.

The retiring President and
Chairman of the Board of the
AAAS, Athelstan Spilhaus said
of the conference "This
occasion is the 138th of the
periodical and migratory
meetings" of the national
scientific community. He
stated that he hopes future
meetings will be broadcast all
over the country so that there
can be mass participation.
Perhaps this mass participation
will result in mass "realization"
of the potential man now has
available which because for his
own betterment.