University of Virginia Library

Muller Cites
Several Goals

in surgery at John Hopkins
University medical school.

Dr. Muller was a visiting
faculty member at the Mayo
Clinic in 1964, and has held
visiting professorships at seven
universities. He was also named
as one of the five Outstanding
Alumni of the Duke University
School of Medicine in 1969.

Commenting on his new
position, Dr. Muller stated, "I
am indeed pleased with my
selection, and hope to use this
opportunity to contribute to
the advance of surgery in this
country and abroad.

He cited several goals
including "the maintenance of
the quality of education here
and abroad, as well as a
continued effort towards
efficient delivery of surgical
care throughout the world."

Those named to a three-year
term on the Board of Regents
include Frank Hinman Jr. of
the University of California
School of Medicine in San
Francisco; Joseph Pratt of the
Mayo Clinic in Rochester,
Minn., and Thomas Shires of
the Southwestern University
Medical College in Dallas.