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Pascal Speech


Jean Mesnard, considered by
many scholars to be the world's
foremost authority on the French
philosopher and mathematician
Blaise Pascal, will be at the
University tonight.

Speaking in French, Mr.
Mesnard will discuss Mr. Pascal as
seen by contemporary critics at 8 in
the Visitors Lounge of Newcomb

Mr. Mesnard, professor of
French literature at the Sorbonne,
is the editor of a new three-volume
critical edition of the works of Mr.

The public lecture is sponsored
by the department of romance

O&P Hearings

Tuesday, April 20

2:30 Virginia Weekly

3:00 Student Nurses

3:30 Madison Hall

4:00 Polo Club

4:30 Black American Law
Students Association

5:00 Modulus

5:30 Fencing Team

6:00 Bowling Team.
Wednesday, April 21:

2:00 Virginia Research

2:30 Virginia Law Weekly

3:00 Karate and Self-Defense

3:30 English Club

4:00 Alderman Legislative

4:30 Concert Band

5:00 Experimental

7:00 Population-Control
Fund Committee

7:30 Stage Band

8:00 International Club

8:30 Monroe Rifle Drill

9:00 History Club

9:30 WTJU Radio

10:00 WUVA Radio.
Thursday, April 22:

2:00 Rifle and Pistol Club

2:30 Commerce Council

3:00 Charlottesville Draft

3:30 Rugby Club

4:00 John Basset Moore

4:30 Opportunity

7:00 Legal Assistance

7:30 Cave Club

8:00 Virginia Debaters

8:30 Windlass Magazine

9:00 Women's Tennis Team

9:30 Gymnastic Club

10:00 Pep Band.

Any Changes or addenda to
this schedule will be posted on
the door of the Student
Government Offices. Additional
hearings will be held on Sunday
evening; this schedule as well
shall be posted on the door.