University of Virginia Library


Thomas F. Pettigrew, professor
of social psychology at Harvard
University, will lecture in the
McGregor Room of Alderman
Library tonight at 8.

An investigator of racial tension,
both in the north and south of the
United States and in South Africa.
Mr. Pettigrew is the author of
several books including Racially
Separate Or Together and A Profile
Of The Negro American. His latest
research centers upon the white
American voter for the Negro
American candidate.

Mr. Pettigrew is a native of
Richmond and a graduate of the
University of Virginia.

Also, William M. Cruikshank,
an international recognized
authority in Education, will speak
this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the
auditorium of the Chemistry
Building. His presentation, the final
lecture in the 1970-71 Lecture
Series of the Department of Special
Education, will be "Special
Education: The Community and
the Law."