University of Virginia Library

To The Editor

What Is ACC

Dear Sir:

I am a graduate student who
spent several years in the military
before returning to school. I've
attended all the home basketball
games and have several comments.

What is an "ACC atmosphere?"
is it simply winning, or is it the
associated crowd behavior? Is it
"big time" to scream insults at
visiting teams, berate referees, and
have crowd chants of gutter

I think a winning team rates
school support, but the small
minority who throw things on the
court as well as lead the
aforementioned cheers are "bush
league" in every sense of the word.

Perhaps the reason for Coach
Gibson's popularity is that he is not
only an obviously good basketball
coach but also conducts himself
like a gentleman on the court. He
sets an example which many of the
fans would do well to follow.

Jack Geraghty
Grad. Bus. 1