University of Virginia Library

Rector To Be Honored
At Alumni Luncheon

Joseph H. McConnell of
Richmond, president of Reynolds
Metal Co. and Rector of the
University, will be honored at a
luncheon tomorrow by the
Richmond chapter of the
University Alumni Association.

Edgar F. Shannon Jr., president
of the University, will speak at the
luncheon on the state of the
University in 1970. The luncheon
will be held at 12:30 p.m. in the
Virginia Room at the John Marshall
Hotel, according to chapter
president Robert G. Butcher.

Mr. McConnell was elected
Rector of the University in March.
He was graduated from the
University's School of Law in 1931
after taking his undergraduate
degree at Davidson College. He
became president of Reynolds
Metals in 1963 and is a former
president of Colgate-Palmolive-Peet
Co. and of the National
Broadcasting Co.

Mr. McConnell is the 29th
person to be named to the office of
Rector of the University. The first
Rector was Thomas Jefferson, the
founder of the University, who was
followed in office by James
Madison, fourth president of the
United States.

Reservations for the luncheon
may be made by calling 644-0791.