University of Virginia Library


When those women's liberation people got
mad about our Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics
ad, we waited around for a while to see if they
were for real. Apparently they are; or at least
there is a hard core of frustrated women around
here who are going to keep feeding us this
garbage until they finally get a date some
Saturday night.

In the first place, Evelyn Wood paid us good
money to run that ad, and we aren't in business
for our health. In the second place, Evelyn
Wood, who posed for the ad, has a really nice
bod in our opinion and we will be proud to
display it whenever we wants to pay us the
money to do it. At least she's not ashamed to
admit that she uses her body to get what she
wants just like any woman does.

All of this is probably a result of the
University's deplorable decision to admit
women. They are out of place at a University
which doesn't have a home economics department,
and it's fairly obvious that some of the
women can no longer take the strain of
competing with males. We would remind them
of the words of one SDS member at the 1969
convention: "The place of women in the
revolution is on their backs." And in the
kitchen, too.