University of Virginia Library

Summer Session Begins
Spring Pre-Registration

The dates for the University's
1970 summer session will be June
22 August 15 for the regular
eight-week session, June 15-July 3
for the education intersession and
July 6 August 15 for the six-week

Summer enrollment is expected
to increase slightly over the 4.021
students enrolled last summer,
according to Miss Anne P. ,
summer registrar.

Students currently enrolled in
the spring semester at the University
should file their intent to
register cards available in the
summer session office in Garrett
Hall. These cards should be filed
before May 1 for pre-registration in
the two-week period from May

A preliminary catalogue for
summer session courses is available
now in the summer session office.
An application for students not
currently enrolled in the University
and for those taking classes extension
centers or branch colleges
is included in the preliminary

The complete summer catalogue
with descriptions of courses and
class schedules will be ready in