University of Virginia Library

Alfriend, Pittman, Breen
Vie In Nursing Elections

Elections in the School of
Nursing will be held on Thursday,
April 10. The candidates for the
various offices were chosen Monday

Candidates for President are
Mary A. Alfriend and Bridget E.
Breen while Carolyn M. Pittman
and Nancy L. Pitts vie for the
vice-presidency. Jeanne S. Coe,
Mary M. Jones and Diane M. Purcell
are running for Secretary with Mary
J. Harrold and Carole A. Teller
being the candidates for Student

The candidates for Treasurer are
Beryl P. Evans, Mary A. Hancock
and Nancy L. Sinclair. L. Gail
Ahroon, Betty L. Dudding and
Alma L. Peters are running for the
House Committee.

Rounding out the ballot, Carol
L. Carver, Susan L. Hamel and
Donna M. Hunter are the opponents
in the election for Key