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Petitions Urge
Segregation End

Petitions have been placed in the
lobbies of the various University
buildings asking that the Department
of Health, Education, and
Welfare continue in its efforts to
desegregate southern school

Ed Finch, a law student, explained
that the Nixon administration
appears to be wavering on
enforcement of school desegregation
guidelines and the petitions
will show, he said, that not
everyone in the south wants the
Federal government to relax the

The petitions will be sent to
H.E.W. Secretary Robert Finch.

Wythe W. Holt Jr., a graduate
student working on the project,
said "many southern school districts
are now refusing to comply
with the guidelines. Others are
beginning to renege on prior but
reluctantly adopted compliance
plans. The gains of the last fifteen
years may easily and swiftly lost if
something is not done," he said.

Tuesday evening the Student
Council passed a resolution supporting
the aims of the petition.