University of Virginia Library

3-3-3 Committee
Liberalizes Rule
On House Hours

A recommendation that girls
be allowed in fraternity houses
from 8 a.m. to 3 a.m. in the
common areas has been passed
by the 3-3-3 committee and forwarded
to President Shannon.

"This is, I feel, a significant
example of the kind of cooperation
possible between the faculty
and the students," IFC president
Ed Hayes told The Cavalier
Daily yesterday. "The committee
members were very responsive
to our arguments and, I think,
showed a great willingness to cooperate
on what to us is an essential

The recommendation must
now be approved by President
Shannon and the Board of Visitors.

The IFC had been striving to
achieve new hours in the houses
at the last three meetings with
the 3-3-3 committee, but the administration
members felt, according
to Mr. Hayes, that there
was not strong enough student
support for extending the hours.

The IFC then circulated a poll
that showed better than 95 per
cent of fraternity men favoring
an extended curfew for dates in
the houses. On this basis the
3-3-3 committee passed the extension.