University of Virginia Library

Flora Crater

worked for Lt. Gov. Henry E.
Howell Jr. and former Gov.
Mills E. Goodwin Jr. in the
past and could work with
either one of them in the
future. However, she is waiting
for one of them to endorse her,
she said.

Her campaign presently has
little money, little support, and
little organization. In the
course of the campaign she
hopes to form a "natural
constituency composed of
blacks, women and other
oppressed people."

Her crowds have been small,
including the one here on
Friday, with a sizable minority
of the audience representing
the media.

Campaign expenses have
been financed by small
contributions. Even during the
coffee hour before her speech,
supporters were circulating
around trying to collect
enough to pay for traveling

Even with these things
against her, Mrs. Crater is
confident that her campaign
can build a constituency which
will carry her into power to
fight discrimination in a state
that has just recently seen the
rejection of the Equal Rights