University of Virginia Library

School Evaluation

staffed by students and
faculty, include Purpose
Organization and
Administration, Educational
Program, Financial Resources,
Faculty, Library, Student
Affairs, Physical Plant, Special
Activities, Graduate Programs
and Sponsored Research.

The Committee of
Educational Program will
branch into a Committee of
College and School
Self-Studies, which will submit
departmental evaluations of
each school.

A dean-appointed
coordinating committee will
review each committee's
report, make a complete
self-study of the
forward it of the
University-wide committees
where it will become the basis
for a final report to the
Steering Committee.

Protective policies have also
been defined to protect
student, faculty and
administration rights
throughout the study.

All study committees will
be required to carry out their
own responsibilities, and to not
study more than their
designated areas of the

University structure and
not individual performance will
be evaluated. Written reports
will be used for internal use of
the University and will not be
released to the press.