University of Virginia Library

NSL Referendum

The Student Council is conducting this referendum for the
National Student Lobby, to which the Council belongs. This
referendum is being voted on by students throughout the
country, and the results will determine the positions of the
National Student Lobby for the coming year. Please indicate
your positions on the following issues, and return it to the
Student Council office, 4th floor, Newcomb Hall or drop it in
one of many ballot boxes located throughout the Grounds for
this purpose. Should you desire further information of the
Lobby or this referendum, please see Larry Sabato, Council
Vice President.

Circle one.

1. Should Congress increase financial aid given directly to
students, such as grants, loans, work-study, and G.I. Bill?
strongly favor favor don't know oppose strongly oppose

2. Should Congress help to fund day care centers on
campuses for children of students, faculty and staff?
strongly favor favor don't know oppose strongly oppose

3. At present, the costs of tuition, room and board at public
and private universities are exempted from cost controls of the
U.S. Price Commission (2 ½ per cent increase per year).
Should Congress control these price increases?
strongly favor favor don't know oppose strongly oppose

4. Should Congress permit "discount fares" on airlines for
persons under 22 and over 65, thus preventing the Civil
Aeronautics Board from banning them?
strongly favor favor don't know oppose strongly oppose

5. Should Congress allow voter registration by mail and
enact other measures to increase voter participation?
strongly favor favor don't know oppose strongly oppose

6. Should the military be converted to an "all-volunteer"
force when the present draft law expires on June 30, 1973?
strongly favor favor don't know oppose strongly oppose

7. Should Congress begin to convert from a defense
industry-based economy to a civil science systems-based
economy, involving research and development of mass
transportation, pollution control, and health care systems?
strongly favor favor don't know oppose strongly oppose

8. Should Congress more stringently control the possible
influence of multi-national corporations (such as I.T.T., Oil
Companies) on U.S. foreign policy?
strongly favor favor don't know oppose strongly oppose

9. Should Congress cut off foreign aid to military and
colonial governments such as Rhodesia and Portuguese colonies
in Africa?
strongly favor favor don't know oppose strongly oppose

10. Should Congress establish a system of national health
insurance, including subsidization of student health insurance
and campus clinics?
strongly favor favor don't know oppose strongly oppose