University of Virginia Library


this Jacob's Ladder because the
ghost walks here."

Mrs. Moon, who had not
told the guide her knowledge
of the family ghost, innocently
replied,"Do you have a ghost

According to the guide, the
haunt appears every 30 years,
the last visit in 1916.

Quite mysteriously, the year
1916 was exactly 50 years from
1866-the year the ghost
haunted the American Moons.

Scottsville's Church Hill is
gone now. All that is left is a
small two-room cottage, once
an outbuilding of the estate
which is now used as a law
office. No one will ever know
if the Moon ghost was a
vengeful horse thief or a true
phantom from another

But the Moon Ghost is still
alive in the hearts of Scottsville

Sitting on their porches on a
balmy summer night, rocking
in their chairs, they tell and
retell the unexplainable
escapades of the infamous
Moon Ghost.