University of Virginia Library

Hearing Requested

gladly submit to such a Circuit
Court hearing," he charged.

Mr. Crawford issued a
second statement the following
day, Jan. 17, stating that the
Security Department is under
the Jurisdiction of Mr. Camblos
and the city Corporation
Court. "Mr. Haugh's request
for a hearing in Albemarle
Circuit Court would require a
jurisdictional change."

"Any information or
evidence concerning current
activities of the University
police that Mr. Haugh may
have to support his recent
accusations could be presented
to the Charlottesville
Commonwealth's Attorney. A
hearing could be held in the
(city's) Corporation Court if
the responsible authorities felt
the evidence warranted such

According to Mr. Crawford
Mr. Camblos told Mr. Alford
that it was his belief that the
Security Department officers
were "following his
instructions and carrying them
to conclusion and relaying all
information promptly."

Mr. Camblos added that in
his opinion administration
officials were not interfering
with security officers' carrying
out their duties.

The University is currently
awaiting the police chiefs'
report which will supply an
unbiased report to the
community concerning the
Security Department actions.