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Paying For Boredom

college have been called out to
"help with the war effort" by
digging the snow off the
railroad tracks so that the
troop trains can move. We see
the train getting on its way
after the boys have just
finished their work, and the
soldiers are leaning out every
window and door available,
cheering and waving while the
college boys stand beside the
train and wave back. The train
stops for a moment and
everyone keeps cheering. Then,
bang, silence, and everyone
looks sad and thoughtful, and
the train starts up again.

Get out the sledge hammer,
boys. The point may not be
obvious enough yet.

If you want to sit in a
cramped, uncomfortable chair
and freeze for two hours, open
your room windows. No sense
paying for it, and being bored
to death as well.

(Now at the Paramount)