The Cavalier daily Wednesday, December 20, 1972 | ||
Rules Explained
Dean of the College Irby B.
Cauthen has sent a list of rules
to the Faculty concerning the
reading and examination
periods and grades.
The rules state that there be
no more than five reading days
and that no tests of any nature
be administered during this
period. These days are designed
to be used by the student for
review and independent course
work. Each department in the
College is able to set the
number of reading days
granted to students.
Students enrolled in a
course on a pass-fall basis will
receive a grade of N.C. (no
credit) if they fail the course.
He noted that a grade of
"incomplete" is strongly
discouraged and a student
cannot take an examination he
misses unless he presents a
valid reason for his absence to
the Dean's Office.
No examination may be
given except as scheduled in
the Schedule and Classroom
Directory. Mr. Cauthen
commented that the alteration
of an examination date or time
is too confusing.
The faculty has been
reminded to return their
students' grades to the
Registrar's Office within 48
hours after the date of the
examination. In addition,
semester grades should be
posted on office or classroom
doors so that the students may
obtain their grades as soon as
Job Placement
The Office of Career
Planning and Placement is
conducting a program for job
placement in Europe this
summer. Applicants are
guaranteed a job.
The Cavalier daily Wednesday, December 20, 1972 | ||