University of Virginia Library

Funds Needed For Faculty

Established in 1965 under
National Science Foundation
funds, to strengthen the
sciences, the Center now
supports research in the
humanities and the social
sciences, and has been
responsible for bringing 51
outstanding faculty members
to the University from leading
institutions around the nation.

Under the Eminent Scholars
Program, the General Assembly
appropriates funds on a
biennial basis to match income
generated by endowment funds
given to the University for this
specific purpose.

The Scholars Program
recently received an
endowment from the Virginia
Bankers Association for the
creation of three new banking
and economics chairs at the

Mr. Shannon also
underscored the importance of
available funds in bringing new
faculty to the University.

"We must compete with the
best universities in the country
to get the best that the
academic world has to offer. If
we weren't able to pay them
what they deserve, then they
wouldn't come here.

He added that an
outstanding faculty "benefits
everyone." "Our research
programs benefit the nation as
well as graduate and
undergraduate students," he

Under these and other
programs, the University has
recently added to its faculty
such notable scholars as
Herbert Stein, chairman of
President Nixon's Council of
Economic Advisors; A. Willis
Robertson, professor of
economics; Pedro G. Beltran as
scholar in residence at the
Graduate School of Business
Administration; former U.S.
Ambassador to Vietnam
Frederick E. Nolting Jr. as
diplomat-in-residence; and
Henry J. Abraham, an expert
on constitutional law and
currently a professor at the
University of Pennsylvania,
who will join the faculty in the

Other new faculty additions
are a former deputy assistant
secretary of the Department of
the Interior and administrator
in the Environmental
Protection Agency, Fred
Singer; the former chief of the
computation and analysis
division of the NASA Manned
Spacecraft Center at Houston,
Eugene Brock; and the former
chairman of the National
Labor Relations Board, Frank
W. McCulloch.