University of Virginia Library

Take Away Security's Tricycles

remotest relationship to safety or
even overcrowding, they simply
make things easier for the
administration and more difficult
for the students.

And if you manage to violate all
of them it will cost you $68.50, not
to mention possible suspension
from the University and these fines
cannot be appealed outside the
University. Moreover, you can't
park in a faculty slot unless you
want to pay five dollars every time
you do, but a faculty or staff
member is quite free to park in
your place, and at no cost. Well, I
suppose the University has to offer
its faculty members something.
And our benighted Unicops are
not particularly well paid, it's true,
but this university was not
organized originally for the sake of
the faculty and certainly not for
the benefit of the cops, it was
founded to benefit the students by
educating them, and if the students
can't get to class because the
faculty, the staff, and the Unicops
have deprived them of a place to
park, then it's not likely that they
are going to get a good education

I wish, as I said at the beginning,
that asphalt and autos could be
banned from the grounds, but until
the students are given places to
park legally and assuredly near
those grounds, the situation will
only be made worse for everyone
involved. In the interim I suggest
that the key for that parking map
we are given be changed so that
students can park in the
yellow-orange, and the faculty and
staff get the green and blue.
Judging from the general pallor and
corpulence of our professors and
administration, I'd say they need
the exercise more than we do

I would also suggest that the
Unicops be given bicycles and their
tricycles be taken away. It would
save the University a lot of money,
cut down on noise and air
pollution, and prove to the security
forces that for all their
trouble making, we're willing to
treat them like big boys now.