University of Virginia Library

ACC Meet

tournament and will be trying to
improve on his second place
finishes in the event for the last two
years. He is 2-2 in the conference
and 3-4-1 overall on the season,
having finished the regular season
strongly with a win in the Duke

Kevin Michaels has had a great
season, winning in the state
championships and the Wilkes
Open. He sports a 4-0 ACC record,
and a 19-1 overall mark. Michaels,
at 190 will be top seeded and a
clear favorite to win his class.

Bill Farrell rounds out the
lineup at heavyweight, having
returned for the second semester
matches. He is 2-1 with all matches
in conference competition and is
just getting in top form because of
his late start. He was third in the
ACC last year.