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Oarsmen Prepare For Regattas

and strongest men in one boat and
"leftovers" in another, he will try
to develop two equal eights. The
change comes after personnel
shakeups due to injuries and the
like which decimated an excellent
varsity boat. Now the emphasis is
on competition with the
philosophy being, according to
Eliades, "Who is good will be
varsity." The owners of three
competition quality eights ($2800
each) and several other shells, the
45 man team is divided into three
eights, two fours and hopefully a
pair. Members of each crew are
matched as to height and weight.

The first eight which averages
6-foot. 2-inches, 193 pounds,
includes Jack Plachter, Todd
Tisdate. Norton Schlacter, Derek
Smith, Larry Davis, Russell Born,
Learned Barry, Dan Howard and
coxswain Heath Curtis. Close behind
is the second eight, averaging six
feet even, featuring Rusty Belcher,
Sandy Gardner, Jeff Skora, Dave
Critchfield, Jamie Wilson, John Jay,
Ed Wilson, Bill Hancock, and
Chuck Davis, the coxswain. Other
members of the Association, which
requires $50 per year dues for
expenses, are Jeff Newton, Steve
Pappas, John Hoffman, Rod Freid,
Trinny Walker, Mike Estes, and Bob
Webb. Facilities at the Reservoir,
considered one of the finest basins
in the East due to its usually calm
waters, include a large boathouse, a
trailer for away regattas, and
launching area with a power boat
for observation of practices and

With nine scheduled regattas this
spring, especially the Easters Cup
Race here in Charlottesville, the
crew is on the water every day that
the ice is not, to continue its
winning ways.