University of Virginia Library

Poe Brings
To Corner

Another reason for their opening
in Charlottesville was to service
what they considered a student
need. They wanted to satisfy a
student demand for extra - fraternal
entertainment. According to
Messrs. Jones and Bonnewell, one
of the basic tenets of setting up
'Poe's' was to appeal and be flexible
to student desires. Thus, one of
their primary objectives was to provide
the finest quality in everything
from the sound system to the cigarette
machine. And their hope, of
course, was to be able to do this
and still make a profit. If Poe's is a
success, they are planning to expand
to other campuses around the

To those of you who are familiar
with Georgetown taverns, Poe's will
look familiar. It and they have what
is quaintly referred to 'atmosphere.'
At Poe's you get a sensation of life
and constant motion. It's ambiance
is convivial, but not boisterous; calm
but not dead. You go there to talk,
drink beer, relax and enjoy your
friends or make new ones. Anyway,
don't take mine or anybody else's
word for it. This weekend when
you're wandering around the
grounds, lamenting Charlottesville's
eight o'clock closing time, stop in
at Poe's. You might enjoy yourself.