University of Virginia Library

Premed Honor Society
Elects Foust President

In its April meeting last Thursday
evening, the Alpha Epsilon
Delta Premedical Honor Society
hold its annual election of officers.
Succeeding Alfred Margulies as
president will by Tony Fouts.

Clarke Haley was elected
vice-president and Stuart Fischer
was chosen secretary. The treasurer
and historian positions were won
by Brian Gruber and Fred Kessler

Mr. Fouts announced his
intentions to increase the scope of
AED's activities, and called on its
members to take a more energetic
role in helping to implement the
society's expanded programs.

After the elections, Byrd
Leavell, chairman of the Internal
Medicine Department of the
University of Virginia Medical
School, spoke on the opportunities
available to students pursuing a
medical career.

With regard to the incredible
expansion of medicine since 1900.
Dr. Leavell remarked that such
diversity and specialization has
become not only convenient but