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Professor Awarded
Prize For His Book

A University professor of law
has been awarded the annual Phi
Beta Kappa prize for the best work
of scholarship - produced during
1969 by a member of the University

Mason Willrich of the University's
School of Law was honored
for his book, "Non-Proliferation
Treaty: Framework for Nuclear
Arms Control." published by the
Michie Company.

In the book, Mr. Willrich discusses
the meaning of the nonproliferation
treaty and explores its
relationship to concrete problems
which will arise as the treaty is

From 1962 to 1965. Mr. Willrich
was assistant general counsel in
the United States Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency, serving on
the United States delegations to the
Eighteen Nation Disarmament
Committee in Geneva and the
International Atomic Energy Co-
mission in Vienna.

His book was chosen for the
$100 prize from works submitted
by University students and faculty
in the humanities, social sciences
and law. Judges were members of
the University of Georgia's Phi Beta
Kappa chapter.