University of Virginia Library

Prank Calls Reported

Officers of the Army, Navy and
Air Force ROTC units here at the
University received numerous prank
phone calls Tuesday night.

Colonel James P. Robertson,
Professor of Air Science, commented
on the phone calls. He said
that there were "no verbal transmissions"
at all. The phones would just
ring and the caller would hang up
when it was answered.

He said that to his knowledge all
the officers and some of the NCO's
in all three ROTC units received the
calls. The calls began at around
midnight and lasted to about 4 a.m.

Colonel Robertson said that he
did not consider the phone calls
abusive, threatening, or insulting in
any way because the calls were not
spoken in words but were just
"ringing phones." He found them
"at most, annoying." Furthermore,
he said that it was "no big thing
and certainly nothing to get excited

Captain Walter C. Blatfmann,
Professor of Naval Science would
not admit having received any calls.
His only comment, "I am reluctant
to say anything about this at all."

Likewise, Captain David C.
Meade of the Army ROTC unit
refused to say anything about the
calls. When informed that Army
officers has also been called he said,
"I don't have any comment on it.