University of Virginia Library

IFC Seeks Longer Terms

In an amendment to their
constitution, the Inter-Fraternity
Council approved a change which
will permit the president, vice-president,
secretary, and treasurer to be
elected for one-year terms each

This motion, which was passed
at the IFC meeting Tuesday night,
means that the IFC elections
scheduled to come up this December
will be postponed until February
so that all officers can begin
their new terms of office.

Bob Fisher, IFC President, said
that the election meeting will probably
be in the middle of the
month and definitely won't be at
the first meeting of the new

In other business, The Governing
Board announced that it will
set the hours for all fraternity
parties on certain weekends. The
reason for this is to insure proper
security by the Link guards in the
fraternity area.

The Governing Board also
announced that any claims for
rebates against Link must be made
in writing by the concerned fraternity
by 5 p.m. on the Wednesday
following the party.

Also in effect now is the
requirement by the IFC that each
house submit to them a budget for
the coming semester and a statement
of financial standing of the
previous semester. This must be
completed within three weeks of
the start of the semester.

Art Friedman, IFC vice president,
announced that the new
co-chairman for the Rush evaluation
Committee are Ted Foote and
Steve Baskin.