University of Virginia Library

Marijuana Found Safe

Two eminent doctors have concluded
after extensive investigation
that, "all in all, marijuana is a
relatively harmless intoxicant."

These findings were reported in
Sunday's issue of the New York
Times Magazine by Norman E.
Zinberg, M.D., and Andrew T. Weil,
M.D., who conducted their experiments
in a scientific manner at the
Boston University School of Medicine.

The authors of the study go on
to say that the study may have a
"pacifying influence on parents and
officials who fear the drug on the
basis of unsubstantiated horror

Further, they say that their
"experimental findings have already
been introduced as evidence in
several court challenges to the
current harsh laws on possession of

Their report, first published in a
reputable journal, Science, opens
by saying that, "our concern was
simply to collect some long overdue
pharmacological data."