University of Virginia Library

Summer Camp Needs Volunteer Workers

Camp Faith desperately needs
counselors and group leaders for its
six-week summer program. This
summer the camp is divided into
three two-week sessions, running
from June 23 through August 1.

Each session features two camps
- one in the morning for county
children and one in the afternoon
for city children.

This is Camp Faith's third year
in operation and this summer
promises to be the best yet. The
camp anticipates working with 200
children in each of its half-day
camps, each session, for a total of
about 2400 children during the

While Camp Faith will have no
trouble "recruiting" plenty of
campers, it is experiencing some
difficulty finding young adults to
act as group leaders and counselors.

Group Leaders

The camp primarily needs
young men (though by no means is
this intended to discourage
members of the fair sex) to act as
group leaders.

Each half-day camp is broken
down into six groups of teenagers
and younger children. The group
leader's job is not only to see that
his group participates smoothly in
the camp activities, but also to
work closely with the teenagers -
many of whom act as counselor's
aides - in order to develop their
leadership skills.

Black Men

In this regard there is a crying
need for young black men to work
part or all of the summer (half or
full days, for one, two, or three
sessions), particularly since they
would identify and work well with
many of the campers.

Special Talent

In addition to group leaders,
Camp Faith needs counselors to
assist group leaders, to develop and
coordinate camp activities, and to
work in various phases of the camp
program. Anyone with a special
talent (ventriloquism, etc.) or
anyone who would like to lead a
special activity (arts and crafts,
swimming archery, etc.) would be
most welcome.

Student Interest

Any student interested in
working for Camp Faith, either
part-time or full time, all day or
half-days only, please call Don
Norris at 293-8569. As far as
qualifications are concerned, Camp
Faith wants young adults who are
interested in spending part of their
summer working with children; no
experience is necessary, just the
desire and willingness to