University of Virginia Library

Clement Stresses

students want more than that - we
want a stronger system. The new
Committee will have to decide on
its definite limits, and I hope it will
build its decision on a student
consensus so an effective system
can be effectuated."

Mr. Clement also clarified his
previous statement on co-education.
"Women are no less honorable
than men," he said, "but dating
presents situations that strain the
Honor System. In the end it will be
up to the students to realize the
importance of this relationship, and
to accept the fact the women are
students under the system, nor
mere social whims."

He stressed further the dominant
theme of his campaign -
education and orientation. "I don't
think orientation is the great
panacea for all the Honor System's
ills, but it is a good point of
departure. We have to present the
system rationally to each incoming
class, building up the practical
benefits of living under the Honor
System. We know we can trust each
other at our words, and with our
personal property; these advantages
should be clear to each new class.