University of Virginia Library

Margulies Chosen Head
Of Pre-Medical Society

At their last meeting, Alpha
Epsilon Delta, the University premedical
society, elected its officers
for the coming year.

The president of the society for
the 1969-70 school year will be
Alfred Margulies; the vice president
will be William Brenner; the secretary
will be Douglas Hixon; and the
historian will be William Evans.

The goal of this year's leadership
is to make AED a "more vital force
on the Grounds." Aiming toward
this, the society is developing a
pre-medical counseling service for
first and second-yearmen. They are
also trying to get an organization
room where periodicals and catalogues
could be available for all
interested students.

"Psychogenic Drugs" and other
such subjects will be the topics of
lectures at the society's regular
monthly meetings which are open
to the public.

The society, established at the
University in 1964, has the purpose
of encouraging and recognizing
premedical scholarship and promoting
an appreciation of the value
of pre-medical study.