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U. Of Texas History Professor
To Speak At University Tonight

Joe B. Frantz, professor of
history at the University of Texas
at Austin and director of the
university's oral history project,
will discuss "Oral History and the
L.B.J. Library" when he lectures at
the University tonight.

The oral history project consists
of tape recorded interviews with
hundreds of persons who participated
in the administrations of
President John F. Kennedy and
Lyndon B. Johnson. Mr. Frantz will
speak in the South meeting room of
Newcomb Hall at 8 p.m.

Mr. Frantz, author of various
works dealing with the American
frontier and director of the Texas
State Historical Association, received
his degrees from the University
of Texas.

The talk, sponsored by the
Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences as part of the graduate
school lecture series, is open to the