University of Virginia Library

Patterson Explains Benefit
Of University Coeducation

remain as high as it is." The poll
showed that 80 per cent of those
asked stated a preference for coed
schools. Only four or five per cent
said that their preference was to
attend a single-sex school.

Turning to the possible effects
on the social structure of the
co educated institution, Mr. Patterson
stated that "girls will not regard
themselves as playthings, in fact
they may regard some of the men
as playthings." He said that the
"level of sexual activity may appear
to rise due to the fact that it will be
more out in the open. The quality
of it will tend to increase in that
the relationships will be more likely
to be between persons who respect
each other."

During a question and answer
session that followed the address,
Mr. Patterson was asked to clarify
one point he had made concerning
the changing role of women. He
responded, "For the vast majority
of people college is seen as an
investment in increased future income
— a capital investment. The
emphasis in the past has been
placed on the male. Especially in
lower socioeconomic levels, if a
choice was necessary then the boy
went to college.

Economically, Mr. Patterson saw
no major problems inherent in
admitting women. "At Princeton
we found little need for additional
classroom space and found that the
number of library volumes was
sufficient. Important is the basis on
which women are admitted. We
found that if women were admitted
without allowance for scholarship
aid, which is quite possible, that
part of their tuition would be
realized as profit."