University of Virginia Library

Jefferson Society Debates
Growing Female Influence

"Resolved: Feminine Influence
is Spreading" is the topic of a
public debate scheduled between
the University's Jefferson Literary
and Debate Society and the James
Madison Humorous Debate Society
of Princeton, Friday night at 8.

The James Madison Humorous
Debate Society is, in reality, the
Princeton Debate Panel. "Out of
better things to do," said one
spokesman, "the panel has scheduled
a series of humorous debate
with other top colleges on the cast
coast such as Harvard, Yale, and the

Frank Blechman, historian of
the Jefferson Literary and Debate
Society said that the debate to take
place this week is the first of two
exchange debates to take place
between the University and
Princeton. The second of these
debates will take place in Charlottesville
on April 11 and its topic
will be: "Resolved: Richard Nixon
is the Sort of Person Who Would
Trade Broadway and Park Place for
Marvin Gardens and two railroads."

Debating the negative side of the
issue for the University this week
will be Frank Blechman, Cliff
Weckstein, and Kevin Twoomey.