University of Virginia Library

Two Student Dates Hurt
In Sunday Car Accidents

Dates of at least two University
students were injured in car accidents
over the weekend.

The two reported mishaps both
occurred early Sunday morning as
the fraternity parties were breaking
up. In the more serious of the
accidents is, Deborah Anne Love,
from Richmond, was struck by a
car travelling south on Rugby
Road. A first-yearman who witnessed
the accident said that the
car, driven by an unidentified
young man, seemed to swerve
towards the sidewalk as it approached
Beta Bridge, where it hit
the girl.

Miss Love, 19 years old, was
admitted to the University Hospital
at 2:30 with head and neck injuries.
She is presently in satisfactory
condition and is still resting in the

In the other accident, Jill
Hopson, 20, also sustained injuries
to the head and neck as she was
in a car, driven by Robert Cullen,
which hit a second vehicle belonging
to another University student.

The injured girl, originally from
Garden City, New York, but
attending Wilson College in Chambersburg,
Pa., was thrown against
the windshield upon impact with
the other car. She was admitted to
the Hospital at 1:35 in satisfactory
condition and was released to
return home yesterday afternoon.

The girls were two of 12 persons
admitted to the hospital over the
weekend while 23 others were
treated and released during the
same time period.