University of Virginia Library

First - Year Committee Abolishes Itself

By Jay Steer
CD Staff Flunkies

In its most productive meeting
of this year, the First Year
Committee, by a close 24-0 vote,
decided to discontinue their tradition-oriented
practice of biweekly

Committee Chairman Dan
Lyons introduced this motion at
last night's meeting after taking
an informal opinion poll of
committee members.

He disclosed to a Cavalier
Daily staff writer that, of the
three committee members interviewed,
Vice-Chairman Arnold
Goldin thought committee meetings
performed the "vital function
of bringing the problems of
the first-year class to the attention
of the administration and
the rest of the student body"
but upon intense questioning, admitted
he had not attended a
meeting yet.

Bull Sessions

Activist Ted Simon declaimed
committee meetings as "bull sessions,"
to be "farcical".

After a heated five-minute
discussion, Jac Sperling called
for an end to debate, and asked
for a vote. The motion was
passed, amid shouts of joy from
the members.

After the meeting, Secretary
Thom Faulders confided that he
was happy to see the motion
passed, because he was "tired of
taking down the worthless 'rubbish'
thrown around at the meetings."

More Meaningful Level

Chairman Lyons told The Cavalier
Daily that the business of
the committee will be conducted
henceforth "on a more meaningful
level than before." He did
not specify the specific procedure
to be followed but left the matter
open to discussion.

In other matters, the committee
unanimously voted itself
a long-waited $200 per semester
pay raise. This brings their yearly
salary to $400.

Operating Expenses



In a heated debate
First-Year Committee Chairman Dan Lyons
managed to see his principal platform plank
approved last night-the ending of meetings.
"It was a tough fight," he commented,
"but we won it despite the activism of
those who wanted to keep on meeting."
The committee plans now to look into the
feasibility of having future meetings and of
livening up the get-togethers with some
entertainment. "Such a program would get
better qualified first-year men to stand for
election," said one member, but those who
witnessed last night's fun disagreed.

David Green offered that the
money was needed to cover "operating
expenses." "It takes
money to run an efficient organization."
Other representatives
said that the pay raises would
give them a little extra "pocket
money" for big weekends.

One representative, who preferred
to remain anonymous, said
that he might now be able to
buy that sport jacket he always

Yuk Yuk

Finally, the committee appropriated
$200 to Dan Lyons to finance
a fact-finding mission to
the University of Hawaii to see
how their first-year committee

The Committee will obtain the
funds needed for these added expenses
by levying a $2 per semester
property tax on all residents
of the Alderman Road Dormitories.

The help of University police
has been enlisted in extorting the
money from the unwilling Alderman
Road residents, it was disclosed.

The Cavalier Daily has been
informed that the Unicops have
agreed to help the committee in
return for support of their gun
carrying policies.