University of Virginia Library

Council Backs
Open Housing

questing the University Union to
set aside a small seminar room
for use as a draft counselling center.

The center was proposed by
Vaden Shields following the granting
of recognition to the University
Draft Counselling Group.
Bud Ogle spoke for the group,
saying "We want to help any student
get information to find out
what his draft alternatives are.

The group had, it was noted,
asked for rooms in Madison Hall
and the University's counselling
center, but these were turned down
by Dean Runk on the grounds
that "the organization did not
serve the community's best interests."

Upon asking for a room in Newcomb
Hall, they were told by
Director John Herring that there
was not room for a permanent
office, although this policy had
been waived in the past.

Parker Brown questioned
whether the Council should pass
such a resolution favoring one
special group. "Scheduling is
tight," he said, "and it's difficult
for many organizations to
get room even on a day-by-day

"It's Mr. Herring's decision
whether it's practical," replied Mr.
Homer. We are only passing this
to say 'if it is, do it.'

The motion passed by a voice