University of Virginia Library

Council Protests
Hershey Draft

ignored. All members are clearly
invited to determine for themselves
what is illegal and on the
basis of that determination to
deny registrants a right which
Congress had sought to assure.

"We have seen no evidence
that the views expressed by the
Director of Selective Service are
shared by any of his colleagues
in the Executive Branch of the
government. We urge that the
letter issued by the Director be
withdrawn or that the administration
officially disavow the positions
taken in that letter."

Addressing himself to the
Council, President Shannon went
on that "As to your specific request,
I am inclined to think
that a statement expressing feeling
of the students of the University
might best come from the
Student Council rather than the
President of the University. It
occurs to me that the Student
Council may wish to frame its
own letter, which I would be
most happy to transmit to whatever
officials you deem proper.
In my covering letter, I would
reaffirm the official stand of the
University as expressed through
the American Council on Education."