University of Virginia Library

Concert Band Grows,
Presents Three Shows

An "increased and better balanced"
Concert Band will present
three concerts this year, the first
of which is scheduled for November

James W. Simmons, director
of the University Band, expressed
pleasure at the growth of the
band. Last year the band numbered
45: this year it boasts a
membership of 65.

Openings are still available for
flutists, oboists, and bassoonists.
Band President Duane Hopper
and Mr. Simmons emphasize the
opportunities for women interested
in the Concert Band, and
hope that many women will apply
for membership.

The band rehearses each Monday
and Thursday from 7:00 to
9:00 in the band room at Old
Cabell Hall.

Currently, the band is reading
through a good deal of new music
to find suitable compositions
to be performed at the concerts.

The works presented will represent
such outstanding composers
as Norman Dello Joo, Alfred
Reed, Robert Washburn, Robert
Jager, Gustave Holst, Giannini,
and others.

Dates for the second and third
concerts are February 11 and
April 28.

The Pep Band has also doubled
in size over last year's edition.
This group, which plays at home
football games, rehearses from
8:00 to 9:00 on Thursday evenings
in Old Cabell Hall. Instrumentalists
interested are urged
to contact Mr. Simmons.