University of Virginia Library

Reports: Quality, Not Quantity

made by Jim Rinaca. The
others, of which Mr. Chabot is
one, remain hung up in talking
about a problem rather than
providing solutions.

So it is that each candidate
has a virtue in his favor. Mr.
Chabot writes nice reports and
Mr. Rinaca implements feasible
solutions to problems. One is
effective—the other is not!

for one, think Jim Rinaca
will do the better job.

Scott Stephens
College 4


Dear Sir:

I was glad to see that The
Cavalier Daily endorsed Phil
Chabot for President of the
Student Council.

Phil and I became friends
during our first year. He
impressed me then as a person
concerned with people and
their problems. That year we
both realized that this
University had a tendency not
to be concerned with the
people that give this institution
a reason for being: students.
Student interests are secondary
to old traditions and

Phil started that year to
work towards making
administrators responsive to
student needs and he has been
very effective at beating these
administrators at their own
games. Phil worked hard to
come up with the facts,
statistics, and studies to
combat administrative
assertions in the areas of
growth, housing, and funding.

But when the
administration refuses to listen,
Phil will not hesitate to use
other means. Phil's hard work
during University Tuesday is a
prime example. We all
remember the implied threat of
expulsion the administration
made against the leaders of
University Tuesday. During
that time Phil continued to do
what he felt was right.

Now Phil is running for the
Presidency of the Student
Council. He will take to that
office a wealth of experience
and ability. But more
important, he will take to that
office a desire to make the
interests of students
paramount in the University

Joe Bateman
College 3


Dear Sir:

Placing my name on a
poster supporting Jim Rinaca
has left me open to ethically
questionable and heretofore
unanswered ridicule.

I do not feel I qualify for
attack as a politico unless
promoting the Ali-Frazier
fight, or running the Rugby
Club, or even never having
been interviewed by the CD are
the criteria. I have been
involved in running various
organizations in college, grad
school and Law School. Based
on that experience I endorsed
Jim Rinaca.

While serving on Student
Council, I have found Phil
Chabot to be an exceptionally
competent and dedicated
student politico. However, he
possesses a fatal flaw in his
political character—a marked
lack of leadership qualities. His
excellent ideas have often gone
unrewarded because of his
inability to convince his fellow
students and administrators of
their validity.

Many of those names on the
endorsement poster are people
who have demonstrated that
they give a damn about this
University, but they too are
concerned about the negative
aspects of Phil Chabot's
leadership ability. He has been
silent or wishy-washy when
highly controversial, publicized
issues, such as the Honor
Committee referendum, have
been before the Student

Jim Rinaca, while not blessed
with the same ability to garner
publicity as Mr. Chabot, has
worked as hard, and often been
more effective because of his
leadership ability and ability to
work well with others.

Phil Chabot's combination
of obvious competence, total
dedication, and dearth of
leadership qualities rings of a
recent student leader whose
reign was marked more by
abrasion than accomplishment.

Jay Waldron
Student Council
Law 1