University of Virginia Library


(Continued from page 1)

historian from Tel Aviv
University, will speak on
"Public Opinion and Image-Making
in Late Republican
Rome," He will conduct an
informal seminar Friday
morning from 9:30 to 11 in
Rm. 4A of Newcomb Hall.

Following Mr. Yavetzwill be
Robert Darnton, who will
speak on "Recent Trends in
the Historiography of the
'Enlightenment.," in Newcomb
Hall's Informal Lounge at 8

Financial Aid

Financial aid applications
for returning students are
available at the Office of
Financial Aid to Students,
Levering Hall. The final filing
date for 1972 Summer School
Applications is April 1, 1972.
The deadline for the academic
year 1972-73 is April 15,