University of Virginia Library

Legislative Advisors Recommend
Fixed Costs For Virginia Schools

The percentage of
college-age residents in Virginia
enrolled in college falls below
both the southern and national

The Council suggests that
in-state graduate rates be fixed
at one and one half times the
one-third-of-cost formula and
that professional rates be twice
the amount.

Out-of-state student rates,
the report continues, would be
fixed at twice the in-state rate.

Student Losses

The Council also expressed
its "grave concern" at the net
loss of Virginia residents to
out-of-state institutions. The
recommended one-third-of-cost
formula, the Council reports,
would compare reasonably
with tuition charges at other
public institutions in the

A second proposal to defray
costs and retain qualified state
residents would establish a
Virginia scholarship and grant

"A truly student-oriented
program of student financial
aid." the Council believes, "can
influence a student to remain
in the state for his education."
The commission would provide
financial aid up to $1,000 to
qualified students.

Residency Requirements

The Council also made
recommendations regarding
residency requirements and
management practices.
Guidelines for deciding
residency questions for tuition
purposes would be provided to
administrators to assure
uniform interpretation of

A continuing program "to
ensure that sound management
practices are employed and
instructional costs are
minimized" was also suggested.

Outside consultants, the
Council proposes, should
establish management
standards and evaluate each
institution against these