University of Virginia Library

Author Probes Style
Of American Society

around you - close
relatives-people who you could
talk to and turn to for help.
The fraternity somewhat
approximates this situation but
for the greater part of society
this security is lost."

In a later interview, Mr.
Vonnegut spoke more of the
problems facing American
society in general. "The
principal responsibility of a
President," he said, is to be a
great teacher. People in power
in this country have not been
good teachers."

Mr. Vonnegut would like to
see a social relativist rise to the
top but this will never happen.
"Our leaders always believe
that American society is the
peak of social evolution."

When asked if he is a
socialist he replies "I'm a
middle class person." But he
adds, decent housing, food and
medical care should be
provided to everyone.

"The purpose of the arts is
to go crazy in a characteristic
way." This self-description of
Vonnegut the artist is more
than apt, and his forthcoming
novel "Breakfast Of
Champions" seems to follow
his trend of searching for the
bizarre nature of life. So he