University of Virginia Library

Professor Criticizes Excerpt From Language Rule Attack

demonstrate that his disgust
for the requirement is so
surpassingly violent that only
Voltaire can express it, and
only the original French can
convey it.

In this respect the structure
of the article is admirable.
Beginning with the rather
bland English cadences of
"Crush the Infamous Thing," it
builds to a fever pitch of
distaste to dissolve in the
spluttering consonants of
"Ecrasez l'infame!"

Bardenwerper has
unwittingly proved one of the
very propositions his logic aims
at debunking. Because
somebody supposedly made
him take French, he's so
well-rounded one is almost
envious. He quotes Voltaire
with such telling effect only
because he can appreciate and
exploit the unique force of the

Just think how much better
rounded he'd be if Basic Logic
were also required.

J. E. Rivers, Jr.
Assistant Professor of English

'J. C.' Defended

Dear Sir:

I am writing in response to
the article in your number of
December 3rd, "J.C.
Superstar': Impressive but
Appalling" by Teri Towe.

The writer of this review is
musically very erudite, as one
can tell from the multitude of
musical titles and phrases
inserted at every opportunity.
That writer gives one the
impression in the first
paragraph, however, that his
musical experience outside the
sphere of the Classics is very
limited. It would be fatuously
pretentious to write a review of
a rock presentation from this

There are two impressive
but appalling inconsistencies in
the above review. I was very
surprised to see "Superstar," a
composition of the 1970's,
compared to "Saint Mathew
Passion," the composer of
which died in 1750. That alone
would seem an Augean task at
best, but the writer goes on to
discuss the characterizations of
the work, overlooking the fact
that "Superstar" is a musical
composition. Exploration of
such things as character and
plot is best left to a drama
critic reviewing a dramatic

I appeal for a review of
Superstar which recognizes it
for what it is : a rock
composition, and not a poor
relative. It needs someone to
criticize or laud it from that

Russel C. Williams
College 1


Dear Editor:

Only an overwhelming
amount of work has kept me
till now from writing to you
and to your associates on the
Cavalier Daily to thank you
from the bottom of my heart
for the magnificent issue on
Green Springs.

You did a superb job news
stories, photographs, editorial.
It was accurate, complete, well
written and forceful. I cannot
compliment you more highly.
The edition will, I am sure, be
sent far and wide. You have
struck a real blow for the cause
of historic and environmental
preservation, and everyone
devoted to this cause in
Virginia will be grateful to you
for your excellent work.

Frederick Hartt
Chairman McIntire
Department of Art

Attacks Abuses

Dear Sir:

I want to endorse the
statement by Professors
Caplow and Harned in the
November 23 The Cavalier
Daily with regard to the
intemperate and unjustifiable
attack by Mr. Mark Mittelman
upon Provost David Shannon,
published in The Cavalier Daily
on November 19.

David Shannon is one of the
most fair-minded and objective
administrators I have known,
and a respected member of the
Department of History. In over
forty years of service in this
University I have never read
such an abusive, purblind and
insulting attack upon a faculty
member and administrator in a
student publication. Mr.
Mittelman and the responsible
editors of The Cavalier Daily
owe Provost Shannon and the
University community a
prompt and proper apology.

Oron J. Hale
Corcoran Professor of History