University of Virginia Library

University Events

Wallace Fowler will lecture on
"Eroticism and Camp in the New
Films" at 8 p.m. in the South
Meeting Room in Newcomb Hall.

Mr. Fowler is a professor of
romance languages at Duke
University. His works include
"Dionysus in Paris," "Age of
Surrealism," "Mallarmo,"
"Claudel," and "A Guide to
Contemporary French Literature."
He has also published three books
of poetry.

* * *

Gary Warren Hart, National
Director for Senator George
McGovern's 1972 Presidential
campaign is speaking tonight at 7
o'clock in Houston Chapel at
Randolph-Macon Women's College.

The Denver attorney served
formerly as a regional campaign
coordinator for Robert Kennedy
and a campaign organizer for John
Kennedy's 1960 Presidential race.
His speech is being sponsored by
Randolph Macon's Students For
McGovern and the University's New
Democratic Coalition.

Mr. Hart will also be present at
an informal discussion in Casner
Lounge from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. His
speech will deal with the campaign
issues of 1972 and Mr. McGovern's
campaign strategy.

* * *

Koji Nakanishi will discuss
"Recent Results on the Chemistry
of Insect Hormones" Friday,
November 19 at 4 p.m. in room 304
of the Chemistry Building. Mr.
Nakanishi is a professor at
Columbia University. The
Colloquium is sponsored by the
chemistry department.

* * *

Catharine Garmany will speak
on the "McCormick Proper Motion
Program" at 4 p.m. Monday,
November 22 in 114 Gilmer Hall.
Her talk is sponsored by the
University's department of

* * *

St. Paul's Episcopal Church has
begun holding an informal service
of Holy Communion at 5:30 p.m.
on Sundays in the Fellowship
Room. The service is followed by a
light supper. The services, open to
all, will be held each week with the
exception of Sunday, November